07921 656 652 [email protected]


Class Times



9-9.45am Preparatory 1 ballet, tap and modern 
9.55-10.40am Preparatory 2 ballet, tap and modern 
10.50-11.50am Primary ballet, tap and modern 
12-1pm intro to grade 1 ballet, tap and modern 
1.10-2.10pm grade 1 ballet, tap and modern 
2.20-3.20pm grade 2 ballet, tap and modern 


4-4.45pm junior cheerleading 
4.55-5.40pm junior contemporary 
5.50-6.35pm senior cheerleading 
6.45-7.30pm senior contemporary 


4-4.45pm junior 1 acrobatics
4.55-5.40pm junior 2 acrobatics 
5.50-6.35pm inter 1 acrobatics 
6.45-7.30pm inter 2 acrobatics 
7.40-8.25pm senior acrobatics 


4-5.45pm grade 4 ballet, tap, modern and pointe. 
5.55-6.40pm stage class/fitness 


4.15-5.45pm grade 3 ballet, tap and modern 
5-5.45pm new class starting – musical theatre 
5.50-6.35pm junior street 
5.50-6.35pm senior drama 
6.40-7.25pm inter street 
6.45-7.15pm junior drama 
7.25-8.10pm senior street 


4.15-5.45pm intermediate ballet, tap and modern 
5.55-6.40pm acrobatic tricks club 
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